jquery – adding multiple option values for rails collection_select – Stack Overflow
Source: jquery – adding multiple option values for rails collection_select – Stack Overflow
This is where diamonds exists
Source: jquery – adding multiple option values for rails collection_select – Stack Overflow
Why does this string not split on each “\n”? (RUBY)”ADVERTISING [7310]\n\t\tIRS NUMBER:\t\t\t\t061340408\n\t\tSTATE OF INCORPORATION:\t\t\tDE\n\t\tFISCAL YEAR END:\t\t\t0331\n\n\tFILING VALUES:\n\t\ Source: string – ruby .split(‘\n’) not splitting on new line – Stack Overflow
To request a tutorial, go here: http://goo.gl/7l37bDMy referral link for DigitalOcean: https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=feb906d283d5 Source: (195) Part 29 :: Ruby on Rails One-Click Install – Digital Ocean Tutorials – YouTube
Source: css – How do you render a border between each Ruby on Rails template collection item but not at the end? – Stack Overflow
Source: For a Good Strftime | Easy Skeezy Ruby Date/Time Formatting
Form helpers are designed to make working with resources much easier compared to using vanilla HTML. Source: ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper
Source: ruby on rails 3 – How to Implement ajax pagination with will_paginate gem – Stack Overflow
Different frameworks impose different styles on forms, but they all end up requiring more boilerplate. You can either accept the pain boilerpating brings with it, or work around it. Creating your own FormBuilder is a simple way to do just that. Source: Reduce Form Boilerplate with Rails’ FormBuilder – Samuel Mullen
Source: sqlite – Ruby: SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked: – Stack Overflow
Strong Parameters It provides an interface for protecting attributes from end-user assignment. Source: ActionController::StrongParameters
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