ruby on rails – Testing for empty or nil-value string – Stack Overflow
Source: ruby on rails – Testing for empty or nil-value string – Stack Overflow
This is where diamonds exists
Source: ruby on rails – Testing for empty or nil-value string – Stack Overflow
Source: Access Hash Entries in ERB Template – Chef Infra – Chef Questions
In this chapter you’ll learn ways to represent multiple values using just one variable. These more complex data types include arrays, ranges, and hashes. Source: Arrays and Strings | Arrays, Ranges, and Hashes in Ruby | Peachpit
Source: Classes, Objects, and Variables @ Programming Ruby
Source: How to compare two arrays if they have similar values or not in ruby
Source: jquery – adding multiple option values for rails collection_select – Stack Overflow
Why does this string not split on each “\n”? (RUBY)”ADVERTISING [7310]\n\t\tIRS NUMBER:\t\t\t\t061340408\n\t\tSTATE OF INCORPORATION:\t\t\tDE\n\t\tFISCAL YEAR END:\t\t\t0331\n\n\tFILING VALUES:\n\t\ Source: string – ruby .split(‘\n’) not splitting on new line – Stack Overflow
To request a tutorial, go here: referral link for DigitalOcean: Source: (195) Part 29 :: Ruby on Rails One-Click Install – Digital Ocean Tutorials – YouTube
Source: css – How do you render a border between each Ruby on Rails template collection item but not at the end? – Stack Overflow
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