Bundler: The best way to manage a Ruby application’s gems
Source: Bundler: The best way to manage a Ruby application’s gems
This is where diamonds exists
Source: Bundler: The best way to manage a Ruby application’s gems
By Ning Yap Twitter Bootstrap + Sinatra = Beautiful Routes 1) Grab the Bootstrap Package Visit Bootstrap and download the zip file. Unzip and copy … Source: How to integrate Bootstrap CSS into your Sinatra site, and get more out of your objects using ERB – Coding is Awesome
Source: Ruby on Rails – how to display a date in format i need? Converting from YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC to MM/DD/YYYY – Stack Overflow
Source: How to Create Custom Scaffold Templates in Ruby on Rails | Web-Crunch
Source: ruby on rails f.select options with custom attributes – Stack Overflow
Source: Ruby & Rails Compatibility Table – FastRuby.io | Rails Upgrade Service
Example I have: range = start.to_date..(end.to_date + 1.day)end and start are dates.How do I create a month array based on this range?Example:I have the dates 23/1/2012 and 15/3/2012The Source: ruby – Rails how to create an array of months based on a range of dates – Stack Overflow
Represents the schema of an SQL table in an abstract way. This class provides methods for manipulating the schema representation. Source: ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TableDefinition
Source: joins (ActiveRecord::QueryMethods) – APIdock
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